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Run Snap, producing the .ACT, DATADICT.DOC, DATADICT.SDF, and if possible,
the XREF.DOC files. You can include all the possible .DOC files you wish
to include, they will be incorporated if present.
If have trouble with xref.doc file because of out of memory, try
producing only the xref.doc file on one run of snap, followed by
a run with all the other files and no xref.doc.

The next step is only if you want to add custom modules:
Run Eh_Snap once to produce a <name>.EHS menu file to edit or
Read the Expert Help Help on how to do it.
Add any custom EHO and edit the <name>.EHS (menu) file to include them.

Set your path to where Expert Help is (EHC.EXE and EHML.EXE) or
move them to the Eh_Snap subdirectory.

Create a destination subdirectory.

Check the snap ACT, DOC, and SDF files to see if any are over 2000 lines
or 64k in size. If so split them, keeping the same extension.
The Xref.DOC can be bigger than 64K. It is divided in to smaller entries

Start Eh_Snap

The first question :HE NG File Name: is the name you want the final
Guide <name.NG> to have. Expert Help uses the menu name to name
the final .NG guide.

The second question: Source Dir: The Source directory should be set to
where the Snap output files are kept. Nothing is altered in the
source subdirectory.

The third question: Destination Dir: Is where all the output files are
created except the eh_snap.mem file. It is created in the startup

And Finally if you are customizing the menu.ehs file change the
overwrite to N.

The Expert Help input and output files are not erased. So they
can be edited if you so desire.

This thing reads the Snap .ACT, DATADICT.DOC, XREF.DOC and
DATADICT.SDF files. It then produces a compilable file for Expert Help
followed by running Expert Help producing the NG.

All final text files with Expert Help Keys in them will be available for
customization along with the menu file.

Eh_Snap is fully automatic. The only questions it asks are at the

Pressing Esc will exit at most places.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson